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"We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie." David Mamet

Sunday, December 19, 2010

kate's favorite gadget

The Down-Home Holiday Guide to Kitchen Gadgets
"I still don't have an electric mixer, so all of my baked good are mixed by hand with a wooden spoon."
Kate pays tribute to the simple, indispensable wooden spoon - I have been trying to think of my favorite kitchen gadget, and even though I do have some fancy things in my kitchen these days (we just got a cast iron grill pan, which is quite amazing, especially on rainy nights), I think my favorite kitchen tool is the good ol' wooden spoon. I think it is the most useful and most used piece of equipment in my kitchen. I still don't have an electric mixer, so all of my baked good are mixed by hand with a wooden spoon. There is something comforting about a smoothed out wooden spoon to me too, it reminds me of learning to bake with my mom when I was little.

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